Category: Software

  • OneNote System Tray Icon Reappears

    System tray icon reappears every time OneNote is started, how to turn it off?

    Turn off OneNote System Tray Icon

    Go to File, click options, and then click display tab, uncheck Place OneNote Icon in the Notification Area of the Taskbar.

    OneNote System Tray

    Note: Turn of OneNote icon in taskbar also turn off  OneNote Snap Tool, if you wish to use Windows key + S to bring up OneNote Snap Tool to capture screenshot, you will need to have option Place OneNote Icon in the Notification Area of the Taskbar marked.

    Update 5-22 The equivalent in OneNote 2007 is Go to Tools, and click Other and then uncheck Place OneNote Icon in the Notification Area of the Taskbar

    Turn on OneNote System Tray Icon

    Change Place OneNote Icon in the Notification Area of the Taskbar option back to marked will get OneNote System Tray Icon back.

  • OneNote Is Unable To Start

    You might see OneNote failed to start with following error message displayed

    OneNote is unable to start. This may be caused by insufficient hard drive space or by insufficient write permissions for OneNote’s notebook cache files in you user setting folder. Try to delete any unnecessary files from your computer and then try starting OneNote again. If this message persists, contact your system administrator. Error code: 0x45D

  • Final Visual Studio 2010 available for download

    Visual Studio 2010, the best version of Visual Studio ever, is now available for download in Microsoft download center. The build number for RTM VS2010 and CLR4 is 4.0.30319.1.

    Here is link for free trial

    Visual Studio 2010 Professional

    Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate

    Training Resources

    Visual Studio 2010 and .NET Framework 4 Training Kit

    Visual Studio 2010 and .NET Framework 4 Training Course

    Moving to Visual Studio 2010 e-Book


  • Difference between Chrome Versions

    People might get confused what is the difference between Chrome channels. According to

    • Stable channel. Everyone is on the Stable channel when they first install Google Chrome. The Stable channel is updated with features and fixes once they have been thoroughly tested in the Beta channel. If you want a rock solid browser but don’t need the latest features, the Stable channel is for you.
    • Beta channel. People who like to use and help refine the latest features subscribe to the Beta channel. Every month or so, we promote stable and complete features from the Dev channel to the Beta channel. The Beta channel is more stable than Dev, but may lack the polish one expects from a finished product. If you’re writing extensions, you need to use this channel or the Dev channel.
    • Dev channel. This developer preview channel is where ideas get tested (and sometimes fail). The Dev channel can be very unstable at times, and new features usually require some manual configuration to be enabled. Still, simply using Dev channel releases is an easy (practically zero-effort) way for anyone to help improve Google Chrome.


  • Microsoft Free SEO Toolkit

    Microsoft’s free SEO Toolkit. The SEO Toolkit provides detailed analysis and search engine friendly suggestions to help improve the relevance of your website in search results.

    Note: this toolkit can only run on Vista and Windows 7 (more…)

  • WordPress 3.0 Features

    WordPress 3.0 has a few great new features and improvement.

    Ability to Choose Username When Installing WordPress

    In previous version WordPress, default username for Admin is hard coded as admin. In WordPress 3.0, this secure hole is fixed, default user name can be customized when you install WordPress.



  • OneNote Snipping Tool

    I previously used Alt+PrintScreen key for screenshots and then pasted into MSPaint and then edited the picture, and then capture just part of a screenshot. Now a better way is install Microsoft OneNote and take screenshot via the WinKey + S and then select the portion of the screenshot you want and paste anywhere.

    Note: this option also available under menu “Insert”  -> “Screen Clipping”

    And yes, it’s better than Vista/Win7’s snipping tool in my option.

  • Span Remote Desktop Across Multiple Monitors

    To span remote desktop across multiple monitors, launch an RDP connection using mstsc /span from the command prompt on your machine. This works on Vista/Windows 7. If you have a Win2K3 machine then you need have Terminal Services Client 6.0 installed. You can download it here.


    If you use Remote Desktop Client 7.0 connect to Window 7 or Windows server 2008 R2 remote machine, you can simply check "Use all my monitors for the remote session" to do this.


  • Burning ISO files to CD/DVD media

    To burn .iso files on CD disks use cdburn utility


    <DVDDriveLetter>: ISOFileName


    cdburn e: d:osWin7_amd64.iso to burn the image on CD disk, where e: is CDROM


  • Onenote 2010 Highlight Unread Changes

    OneNote 2010 has a new feature, it remembers notes you’ve read and highlights new changes since you last read. All new unread content on pages will be highlighted with green highlight. This is very helpful for people who use OneNote for team collaboration. Everyone can easily see what exactly others has added and/or contributed. The pages contain unread content will have bold text in tab and all unread content will be highlighted in green.

    New page with bold text tab

    New page with bold text tab

    New content with green highlight.
