Manual Uninstall Windows Desktop Search

Here is how to uninstall Windows Desktop Search (WDS) as it is not visible in add-remove programs

Manual uninstall Windows Desktop Search 3

  1. Click on the Start Menu, then Run.
  2. Type cmd in the box and click OK. This will bring up the command line.
  3. Type the following and press enter

    %windir%$NtUninstallKB917013$spuninstspuninst.exe /q /promptrestart

  4. A box will now appear to confirm the WDS has been uninstalled and asks you to restart. Once you have restarted the PC WDS will be gone.

Manual uninstall Windows Desktop Search 4

  1. Click on the Start Menu, then Run.
  2. Type cmd in the box and click OK. This will bring up the command line.
  3. Type the following and press enter.

    %windir%$NtUninstallKB940157$spuninstspuninst.exe /q /promptrestart

  4. A box will now appear to confirm the WDS has been uninstalled and asks you to restart. Once you have restarted the PC WDS will be gone.


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