Author: devonenote

  • OneNote Snipping Tool

    I previously used Alt+PrintScreen key for screenshots and then pasted into MSPaint and then edited the picture, and then capture just part of a screenshot. Now a better way is install Microsoft OneNote and take screenshot via the WinKey + S and then select the portion of the screenshot you want and paste anywhere. Note:…

  • Find Dead Code

    Dead code means block of code that is not reachable in application. They can cause noisy in code debugging and confuse developers. Sometimes I might spend a few hours to figure out why a breakpoint never hit. Most of code defect is result of old function no longer used and referenced. Remove them will prevent…

  • Span Remote Desktop Across Multiple Monitors

    To span remote desktop across multiple monitors, launch an RDP connection using mstsc /span from the command prompt on your machine. This works on Vista/Windows 7. If you have a Win2K3 machine then you need have Terminal Services Client 6.0 installed. You can download it here. Update If you use Remote Desktop Client 7.0 connect…

  • Burning ISO files to CD/DVD media

    To burn .iso files on CD disks use cdburn utility Usage: <DVDDriveLetter>: ISOFileName Example: cdburn e: d:osWin7_amd64.iso to burn the image on CD disk, where e: is CDROM

  • File is Missing or Invalid Error Message

    I frequently hit this on my Win7/Vista machines when I run executables that were built from VB6, the following error message appears: Component ‘filename’ or one o its dependencies not correctly registered: a file is missing or invalid. The problem is caused by a component or a dependency file used in this executable is not…

  • List of dev and test tools for IE8

    From Here is a list of convenient development and test tools to help test and modify applications to run on Internet Explorer 8: Debugging websites Debugging User Agent String Changes This program produces a report on Internet Explorer’s current User Agent String, along with scripts to simulate User-Agent Strings for other Internet Explorer versions…

  • Delete blank lines from text file

    This note is for a few quick ways to delete all blank lines from a text file. sed ‘/^$/d’ file > file_new grep -v "^$" file > file_new (This is for Notepad++ users) Select all text (shortcut Ctrl+A) and then click Menu TextFX -> TextFX Edit -> Delete Blank Lines

  • Onenote 2010 Highlight Unread Changes

    OneNote 2010 has a new feature, it remembers notes you’ve read and highlights new changes since you last read. All new unread content on pages will be highlighted with green highlight. This is very helpful for people who use OneNote for team collaboration. Everyone can easily see what exactly others has added and/or contributed. The…

  • Visual Studio plug-in: GhostDoc

    Are your tired of documenting you code using C# /// XmlDoc syntax for each and every method? It is time for you to meet SubMain’s GhostDoc. SubMain’s GhostDoc is a Visual Studio plug-in the was design just for you. It will parse your method/property/parameters names and will create a great documentation just for you with…

  • Forget WordPress Admin Password

    After setup local WordPress environment, WordPress will generate a password for admin logon. The password is so strong that forget the password can easily happen. The easiest way to get admin password back is reset it again in database. Here is the SQL command that will do it: UPDATE ‘wp_users’ SET ‘user_pass’ = MD5(‘PASSWORD‘) WHERE…