Tag: Internet Explorer

  • Windows 8.1 How Can I make Desktop Internet Explorer my default browsing experience?

    Start from Windows 8.1, the metro internet explorer is the default one for website browsing. You can following these steps to make Desktop Internet Explorer for default browsing experience. In Internet Options, click Programs tab In Open Internet Explorer settings, change Choose how you open links option to Always in Internet Explorer on the desktop.…

  • IE9 Go to an intranet site for a single word entry in the address bar

    Unlike IE8, in IE9, if you type an intranet site name in the address bar without http, IE9 will redirect you to the bing search page with the site name as keyword. IE9 also recognize you might want to go to an intranet so there is prompt pop up ask if you want to go…

  • How Can I Uninstall IE9

    IE9 Uninstalling is done via Windows Update control panel.  Select the view installed updates and then uninstall IE9 via the context menu. If you want to uninstall IE9 just because of degraded performance when viewing websites, you can try to turn off GPU rendering which might workaround the performance issue. In Internet Options, select the…

  • Difference between Chrome Versions

    People might get confused what is the difference between Chrome channels. According to http://dev.chromium.org/getting-involved/dev-channel Stable channel. Everyone is on the Stable channel when they first install Google Chrome. The Stable channel is updated with features and fixes once they have been thoroughly tested in the Beta channel. If you want a rock solid browser but…

  • List of dev and test tools for IE8

    From http://www.microsoft.com/windows/internet-explorer/readiness/testing-tools.aspx Here is a list of convenient development and test tools to help test and modify applications to run on Internet Explorer 8: Debugging websites Debugging User Agent String Changes This program produces a report on Internet Explorer’s current User Agent String, along with scripts to simulate User-Agent Strings for other Internet Explorer versions…