Tag: Development Resources

  • Free ebook: Programming Windows Phone 7

    Microsoft are now giving away the eBook Programming Windows Phone 7 by Charles Petzold.  For detail information of this ebook, view http://blogs.msdn.com/b/microsoft_press/archive/2010/10/28/free-ebook-programming-windows-phone-7-by-charles-petzold.aspx You can download a PDF here (38.6 MB). And you can download the ebook’s sample code here (5.03 MB).

  • Windows Phone 7 Application Development Get Start

    Getting Start with Windows Phone 7 Application Development Download the tools and emulator from http://developer.windowsphone.com Using the tutorial from the Microsoft Channel9 Learning Center, build your first application.

  • Microsoft Training Kits

    The Microsoft Training Kit is free download that contains useful training resources. Here is a list of some latest useful training kits, the training content includes demo, videos, presentations, hands on lab and some code samples. Enjoy it Windows 8 Camp in a Box Web Camps Training Kit Windows 7 Training Kit For Developers SQL…

  • Visual Studio Themes and Color Schemes

    I just came cross this site http://studiostyles.info/ which provides Visual Studio color schemes for free download. All color schemas work for both Visual Studio 2008 and 2010. Every schema has screenshots so you can see how it looks like before downloading it. You can follow following steps to import the color schema into Visual Studio.…

  • GhostDoc Tutorial

    Earlier I have introduced this excellent comment auto generation tool – GhostDoc. Now you can follow this instructions to get GhostDoc working in just 5 minutes. Download GhostDoc and install GhostDoc is a Visual Studio plugin, so after Visual Studio is launched, you’d need to assign a hotkey for automatic comments generation, or just  click…

  • MSI and WIX How to Tutorials

    WiX tutorial http://www.tramontana.co.hu/wix/ Introducing WiX http://www.ondotnet.com/pub/a/dotnet/2004/04/19/wix.html WiX Tutorial – Steps to Create an Installer MSI with WiX http://www.dalun.com/wix/01.09.2005.htm Windows Installer Guide from Microsoft MSDN http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/en-us/msi/setup/windows_installer_guide.asp General WiX Documentation and Help Windows Installer XML (WiX) v3.0 Help http://wix.sourceforge.net/manual-wix3/main.htm WiXUI dialog library guide http://wix.sourceforge.net/manual-wix2/WixUI_dialog_library.htm

  • Find Dead Code

    Dead code means block of code that is not reachable in application. They can cause noisy in code debugging and confuse developers. Sometimes I might spend a few hours to figure out why a breakpoint never hit. Most of code defect is result of old function no longer used and referenced. Remove them will prevent…

  • List of dev and test tools for IE8

    From http://www.microsoft.com/windows/internet-explorer/readiness/testing-tools.aspx Here is a list of convenient development and test tools to help test and modify applications to run on Internet Explorer 8: Debugging websites Debugging User Agent String Changes This program produces a report on Internet Explorer’s current User Agent String, along with scripts to simulate User-Agent Strings for other Internet Explorer versions…

  • Visual Studio plug-in: GhostDoc

    Are your tired of documenting you code using C# /// XmlDoc syntax for each and every method? It is time for you to meet SubMain’s GhostDoc. SubMain’s GhostDoc is a Visual Studio plug-in the was design just for you. It will parse your method/property/parameters names and will create a great documentation just for you with…

  • Install Local WordPress Environment on Windows

    WordPress is one of most popular blog applications. This application is very easy to use however setup a local environment for theme or plugin development on windows system is not that easy for bloggers. In this post, I will walk thru you how to setup local WordPress environment using Microsoft Web Platform Installer 2.0 with…