Author: devonenote
Enable/disable the built-in administrator account
Enabling the built-in administrator account: net user administrator /active:yes Disabling the built-in administrator account: net user administrator /active:no Note: Must use an elevated command prompt for this command to work.
Changing the computername
Domain joined netdom.exe renamecomputer %computername% /NewName:<new name> /userd:domainuser /passwordd:* Non-Domain joined wmic.exe computersystem where name="%computername%" rename name="<new name>"
Launch Regional and Language Settings
Bring up the Regional and Language Settings dialog box control intl.cpl
Activating Server Core
Slmgr.vbs is the tool that designed to be used to activate Server Core. Windows Software Licensing Management Tool Usage: slmgr.vbs [MachineName User Password] <One of the Options> MachineName: if machine name is not provided, slmgr.vbs runs on local machine (do not require User/Password) Note, this management tool is only for Windows Global Options: -did ,…