Tag: Windows Server 2008 R2

  • Enabling Virtualization in Your BIOS

    For Dell Systems

    1. Restart your machine, and press F2 at boot (or whichever key is necessary) to enter BIOS setup
    2. Under Performance > set Virtualization to ON
    3. Under Performance > set VT for Direct I/O Access to ON
    4. Save & Exit BIOS
    5. Restart computer

    For HP Systems

    1. Restart your machine, and press F2 at boot (or whichever key is necessary) to enter BIOS setup
    2. Under OS Security > set Intel Virtualization Technology (VTx) to ON
    3. Under OS Security > set IO Virtualization to ON
    4. Save & Exit BIOS
    5. Restart computer
  • Activating Server Core

    Slmgr.vbs is the tool that designed to be used to activate Server Core.

    Windows Software Licensing Management Tool
    Usage: slmgr.vbs [MachineName User Password] <One of the Options>
    MachineName: if machine name is not provided, slmgr.vbs runs on local machine (do not require User/Password)
    Note, this management tool is only for Windows
    Global Options:
    -did                                 , Display product GUIDs and descriptions
    -ilc <License File>                  , Install license
    -ipk <Product Key>                   , Install product key
    -upk <Product GUID>                  , Uninstall specified product key
    -ato [Product GUID]                  , Activate specified product
    , (activate all products if parameter not provided)
    -atp <Product GUID> <Confirmation ID>, Activate specified product with user-provided confirmation ID
    -dli [Product GUID]                  , Display license information for specified product
    , (all licenses are displayed if parameter not provided)
    Volume Licensing: Key Management Service (KMS) Options:
    -dbi                                 , Display KMS and client license information
    -skms <KMS Machine Name>             , Set name of KMS Computer to be used
    -ckms                                , Clear name of KMS computer used
    -sai <ActivationInterval>            , Set how often client connects to KMS computer (in minutes) before computer is activated
    -sri <RenewalInterval>               , Set how often client connects to KMS computer (in minutes) after computer is activated
    -bmc                                 , Immediately attempt to connect client to KMS computer
    -ekms <Product Key>                  , Enable Key Management Service on this machine