Tag: Windows Server 2008

  • SQL Server 2005 The full-text search service cannot start

    After you install SQL Server 2005 RTM on windows server 2008, the full-text search service cannot start. This is because the full-text search service depends on the NTLMSSP (NTLM Security Support Provider) service but the NTLMSSP service does not exist on Windows Server 2008.

    To resolve this problem, simple install SQL Server 2005 SP3

    SQL Server 2005 SP3 can be downloaded from http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/en/details.aspx?FamilyID=ae7387c3-348c-4faa-8ae5-949fdfbe59c4

  • Run IIS in 32-bit mode on a 64 bit machine

    IIS 7 / 7.5 / 8

    On IIS 7 / 7.5 / 8,  configure website or web application to run under 32 bit mode can be configured by opening a command prompt and typing following command and press ENTER.

    %windir%system32inetsrvappcmd set config -section:applicationPools -applicationPoolDefaults.enable32BitAppOnWin64:true

    You can achieve the same goal in IIS Manager by opening the ‘Advanced Settings’ on the application pool binded to the website/web application you want to run under 32 bit mode and change “Enable 32-bit Applications” to True

    Enable 32 bit applications in IIS 7

    Click okay and now the web application or website you configured will run under 64-bit mode always.

    IIS 6

    For IIS6 on Windows Server 2003, configure ASP.NET to run in 32 bit mode on a 64 bit windows server.open a command prompt and type following command and press ENTER.

    cscript //nologo %SYSTEMDRIVE%InetPubAdminScriptsadsutil.vbs set w3svc/AppPools/Enable32bitAppOnWin64 1

    In IIS 6, you cannot run one Application Pool in 32-bit and others in 64-bit. But you can do this on IIS 7 and later as Enable32BitAppOnWin64 can be configured per application pool since IIS 7.  

  • Install Windows Live Messenger on 64bit Windows XP and Server 2003

    Windows Live Messenger cannot be installed on Windows Server 2003 and Windows XP Professional x64 Edition. It seems that these OS are blocked in Windows Live Messenger setup.

    Eventually I found this blog Install Windows Live Messenger 2009 from .msi files. The instruction on this page works well on windows server 2003. It also works on other unsupported OS such as x64 windows XP and windows server 2008

  • Enabling Virtualization in Your BIOS

    For Dell Systems

    1. Restart your machine, and press F2 at boot (or whichever key is necessary) to enter BIOS setup
    2. Under Performance > set Virtualization to ON
    3. Under Performance > set VT for Direct I/O Access to ON
    4. Save & Exit BIOS
    5. Restart computer

    For HP Systems

    1. Restart your machine, and press F2 at boot (or whichever key is necessary) to enter BIOS setup
    2. Under OS Security > set Intel Virtualization Technology (VTx) to ON
    3. Under OS Security > set IO Virtualization to ON
    4. Save & Exit BIOS
    5. Restart computer
  • Activating Server Core

    Slmgr.vbs is the tool that designed to be used to activate Server Core.

    Windows Software Licensing Management Tool
    Usage: slmgr.vbs [MachineName User Password] <One of the Options>
    MachineName: if machine name is not provided, slmgr.vbs runs on local machine (do not require User/Password)
    Note, this management tool is only for Windows
    Global Options:
    -did                                 , Display product GUIDs and descriptions
    -ilc <License File>                  , Install license
    -ipk <Product Key>                   , Install product key
    -upk <Product GUID>                  , Uninstall specified product key
    -ato [Product GUID]                  , Activate specified product
    , (activate all products if parameter not provided)
    -atp <Product GUID> <Confirmation ID>, Activate specified product with user-provided confirmation ID
    -dli [Product GUID]                  , Display license information for specified product
    , (all licenses are displayed if parameter not provided)
    Volume Licensing: Key Management Service (KMS) Options:
    -dbi                                 , Display KMS and client license information
    -skms <KMS Machine Name>             , Set name of KMS Computer to be used
    -ckms                                , Clear name of KMS computer used
    -sai <ActivationInterval>            , Set how often client connects to KMS computer (in minutes) before computer is activated
    -sri <RenewalInterval>               , Set how often client connects to KMS computer (in minutes) after computer is activated
    -bmc                                 , Immediately attempt to connect client to KMS computer
    -ekms <Product Key>                  , Enable Key Management Service on this machine