Tag: Next.js

  • Configure import order in a Next.js project

    To configure import order in a Next.js project, you can use ESLint with the “sort-imports” or “import/order” rules from the “eslint-plugin-import” plugin. Here’s how you can set it up: Install ESLint and the necessary plugins if you haven’t already Then, create a .eslintrc.json file in your project root if it doesn’t exist already. If it…

  • Solving the “/app/.next/standalone not found” Error in Next.js

    While building your Nextjs application within Docker, you may encounter the following error if you’re using the Docker sample from the official Nextjs GitHub site: This blog post offers a straightforward solution to this problem. Understanding the Error Understanding the Error The error message suggests that the system couldn’t compute the cache key as it…

  • Resolve Vercel deploy Error: Found invalid Node.js Version: “>=20.9.0”.

    If you’re deploying an application on Vercel and encounter the following error: Error: Found invalid Node.js Version: “>=20.9.0”. Please set “engines”: { “node”: “18.x” } in your package.json file to use Node.js 18. There’s no need to downgrade your application to Node.js 18. Here’s how you can fix the issue without downgrading: Your new deployment should successfully…