Tag: Activation

  • Exceed Office 2010 Trial Period

    Office 2010 can be run for 30 days for free before needing to be active, or you will start seeing activation notification dialog. If you want to exceed the 30 days free trial during evaluation, you will need to rearm your Office 2010.

    To rearm Office 2010, type in the following from an elevated command prompt:

    “C:Program FilesCommon FilesMicrosoft sharedOfficeSoftwareProtectionPlatformOSPPREARM.EXE”


  • Exceed Windows Server 2008 R2 Trial Period

    Windows Server 2008 R2 does not ask for a CD key in setup, and it can be run for 30 days for free before needing to be active. You can continue to use it after 30 days trial but the system will reboot every 2 hours and run with reduced functionalities.

    If you want to evaluate or run testing on a server with Windows Server 2008 R2 installed. The following procedures will walk you through the steps to extend your grace period.

    Re-arm windows

    Type in the following from an elevated command prompt:

    slmgr.vbs –rearm

    This will reset the activation expiration and the machine is good for another 30 days. You can do this up to 3 times and get 120 days free trial in total.


  • Activating Server Core

    Slmgr.vbs is the tool that designed to be used to activate Server Core.

    Windows Software Licensing Management Tool
    Usage: slmgr.vbs [MachineName User Password] <One of the Options>
    MachineName: if machine name is not provided, slmgr.vbs runs on local machine (do not require User/Password)
    Note, this management tool is only for Windows
    Global Options:
    -did                                 , Display product GUIDs and descriptions
    -ilc <License File>                  , Install license
    -ipk <Product Key>                   , Install product key
    -upk <Product GUID>                  , Uninstall specified product key
    -ato [Product GUID]                  , Activate specified product
    , (activate all products if parameter not provided)
    -atp <Product GUID> <Confirmation ID>, Activate specified product with user-provided confirmation ID
    -dli [Product GUID]                  , Display license information for specified product
    , (all licenses are displayed if parameter not provided)
    Volume Licensing: Key Management Service (KMS) Options:
    -dbi                                 , Display KMS and client license information
    -skms <KMS Machine Name>             , Set name of KMS Computer to be used
    -ckms                                , Clear name of KMS computer used
    -sai <ActivationInterval>            , Set how often client connects to KMS computer (in minutes) before computer is activated
    -sri <RenewalInterval>               , Set how often client connects to KMS computer (in minutes) after computer is activated
    -bmc                                 , Immediately attempt to connect client to KMS computer
    -ekms <Product Key>                  , Enable Key Management Service on this machine