Category: Windows

  • Nice Win7 shortcut key combinations

    A list of shortcuts specific to Windows 7

    Windows shortcuts

    WinKey + Up arrow

    Maximize window

    WinKey + Down arrow

    Restore/Minimize window

    WinKey + Left arrow

    Snap window to left

    WinKey + Right arrow

    Snap window to right

    WinKey + Shift + Left arrow

    Jump window to left monitor

    WinKey + Shift + Right arrow

    Jump window to right monitor

    WinKey + Home

    Restore/Minimize all other windows

    Taskbar shortcuts

    WinKey + T

    Preview the first taskbar entry

    Press again to move forward through taskbar entries

    WinKey + Shift + T

    Preview the last taskbar entry

    Press again to move back through taskbar entries

    (after pressing the keystroke once, use left and right arrow keys to cycle through)

    Winkey + # (1-9)

    Launches a new instance of the application on the # (1-9) slot on the taskbar

    Desktop shortcuts

    WinKey + Space

    View the desktop

    WinKey + G

    Bring gadgets to the top of the Z-order

    WinKey + P

    Opens projection options (Computer Only, Duplicate, Extend and Projector Only)

    WinKey + X

    Mobility Center


    Accessibility shortcuts

    WinKey + +

    Zoom in

    WinKey + –

    Zoom out

    Explorer shortcuts

    Alt + P

    Show/hide preview pane

    Mouse Shortcuts

    Shift + Left click on taskbar icon

    Open a new instance

    Shift + Middle click on taskbar icon

    Open a new instance

    Ctrl + Shift + Left click on taskbar icon

    Open a new instance with admin priveleges

    Shift + Right click on taskbar icon

    Show window menu (Restore/Minimize/Close, etc)

    Shift + Right click on taskbar group

    Show window group menu (Restore/Minimize/Close All)

    Ctrl + Left click on taskbar icon

    Cycle between windows (or tabs) in the group

  • Activating Server Core

    Slmgr.vbs is the tool that designed to be used to activate Server Core.

    Windows Software Licensing Management Tool
    Usage: slmgr.vbs [MachineName User Password] <One of the Options>
    MachineName: if machine name is not provided, slmgr.vbs runs on local machine (do not require User/Password)
    Note, this management tool is only for Windows
    Global Options:
    -did                                 , Display product GUIDs and descriptions
    -ilc <License File>                  , Install license
    -ipk <Product Key>                   , Install product key
    -upk <Product GUID>                  , Uninstall specified product key
    -ato [Product GUID]                  , Activate specified product
    , (activate all products if parameter not provided)
    -atp <Product GUID> <Confirmation ID>, Activate specified product with user-provided confirmation ID
    -dli [Product GUID]                  , Display license information for specified product
    , (all licenses are displayed if parameter not provided)
    Volume Licensing: Key Management Service (KMS) Options:
    -dbi                                 , Display KMS and client license information
    -skms <KMS Machine Name>             , Set name of KMS Computer to be used
    -ckms                                , Clear name of KMS computer used
    -sai <ActivationInterval>            , Set how often client connects to KMS computer (in minutes) before computer is activated
    -sri <RenewalInterval>               , Set how often client connects to KMS computer (in minutes) after computer is activated
    -bmc                                 , Immediately attempt to connect client to KMS computer
    -ekms <Product Key>                  , Enable Key Management Service on this machine