Category: Device

  • No refunds for this purchase error when uninstall and reinstall app on windows phone

    When you try to re-install an app that you had previously deleted from your windows phone, you might get the error there are no refunds for this purchase. 

    To resolve this, follow these steps.

    1. Go to, sign in,
    2. Click on "My Phone" and then on "Account".
    3. You should be able to find reinstall button for the app you want to reinstall
  • How to Open Notebooks Shared in SkyDrive on Windows Phone 7

    After you save OneNote notebooks to SkyDrive, and access OneNote from windows phone, you might notice that the only notebook syncs and shows up in Windows Phone is Personal (Web). 

    If you want to open/sync other notebooks other than Personal Web on windows phone, there are two options

    Option 1 – Using IE on Windows Phone

      1. Open IE browser from windows phone, go to
      2. Then tap the notebook that you want to open, this will launch OneNote on windows phone and notebook will get opened and synced

    Option 2 – Send notebook link via email

      1. Open notebooks you want to sync in OneNote 2010 from your desktop PC.
      2. Copy link to notebooks and send to your email account
      3. On windows phone, open the above links from your email
      4. OneNote will be launched and notebook will get opened and synced.

    Note: if you go with option 1, make sure you have IE set to mobile version before go to

  • How to Tranfer PDF Files to Windows Phone

    In Zune 4.7, you can’t sync non-media files to windows phone. If you want to read pdf offline on your windows phone, you have two options

    1. Email the pdf files to youself, and open the pdf file from your windows phone. Next time when you open Adobe Reader, the pdf file will show up in the document list.
    2. Upload the pdf file to SkyDrive and then use browse to download them.

    #2 applies to other file types that is supported in windows phone 7. Sync eBooks to phone for offline reading is a very common scenario for mobile users. Hope Microsoft can make this easier in Mango.

  • How to Reset Windows Phone 7 to factory settings

    WARNING: Resetting your windows phone will erase all of your personal content, including apps that you purchased and downloaded, and restore your phone back to the condition it was when you first bought it.

    You may want to reset your windows phone to factory settings if you found it not operating well, or forget your PIN. Also If you have a problem with the first Live account you used and wish to change it, you must completely reset the phone.

    Reset Windows Phone to factory settings

    1. From home page on your Windows Phone, flick left to the app list page
    2. Tap Settings, then tap about
    3. Tap reset your phone which located at the bottom of about screen.
    4. When ask for reset confirmation, click yes

    Reinstall APPs after phone reset

    To reinstall applications that were purchased from the phone, apps must be repurchased from the Marketplace on the phone. When you select “buy”, you should see the message “You’ve already purchased this app. Would you like to install it again?” Select Install to reinstall the application. You will see a similar message when purchasing free applications.

  • iPhone Tips–Change Calendar TimeZone

    When you move or trip to other timezone, iPhone won’t refresh the timezone information in to correct one, this results calendar syncs to Exchange server still on the old timezone and all meetings show wrong start time than they are. To fix this, go to Settings => Mail, Contacts, Calendars =>Calendars => Time Zone Support,  either turn it off or set to proper TimeZone

  • OneNote for iPhone

    Earlier we mentioned that OneNote Sync is lived with SkyDrive. With SkyDrive people can save OneNote to SkyDrive directly and access it from any pc. But it used to impossible to access OneNote from iPhone due to technical safari limitations.

    Today Microsoft releases Official OneNote for mobile completely free for a limited time. Following are detail feature descriptions copied from App Store.


  • Free ebook: Programming Windows Phone 7

    Microsoft are now giving away the eBook Programming Windows Phone 7 by Charles Petzold.  For detail information of this ebook, view

    You can download a PDF here (38.6 MB).

    And you can download the ebook’s sample code here (5.03 MB).


  • Windows Phone 7 Application Development Get Start

    Getting Start with Windows Phone 7 Application Development

    1. Download the tools and emulator from
    2. Using the tutorial from the Microsoft Channel9 Learning Center, build your first application.
