Author: devonenote

  • How to delete a notebook in Office OneNote

    Q: How to delete a notebook in Office OneNote? Doesn’t seem to be a way to delete a whole notebook

    A: Since it’s just a folder, you must do this from the windows file system.  Go to “My Documents -> OneNote Notebooks”, find the file folder (notebook), right click and choose Delete

  • OneNote Online Videos and How-To articles

    Video Demos

    What is OneNote?
    Get an up-close look at the benefits of using OneNote and see why electronic notes are better than paper.

    Set up a OneNote notebook
    See how easy it is to get started with OneNote and why you won’t want to go back to paper notes.

    Keep it together with OneNote
    Learn why OneNote is perfect for research projects and other types of information gathering.

    Organize, search, and find information in OneNote
    If it’s in your notebook, OneNote can find it – even if you haven’t spent any time organizing your notes.

    See how Jeff Raikes uses OneNote 2007
    A video of Microsoft Business Division President using OneNote 2007

    Click here to view other OneNote video demos.

    Help & How-To Articles

    Find your way around OneNote 2007
    Take a quick visual tour of the OneNote interface and read tips on maximizing your workspace.

    Get started with OneNote 2007
    Make the most out of OneNote right from the start with this useful roadmap to online resources.

    See how Jeff Raikes uses OneNote 2007
    A great article describing how Jeff Raikes uses OneNote 2007.

    Top tips for OneNote 2007
    Browse a collection of the most popular OneNote 2007 time savers and shortcuts.

    Keyboard shortcuts for OneNote 2007
    Look up shortcuts and accelerators for common OneNote tasks in this categorized reference.

    Click here to view the OneNote Help home page.

  • Enabling Virtualization in Your BIOS

    For Dell Systems

    1. Restart your machine, and press F2 at boot (or whichever key is necessary) to enter BIOS setup
    2. Under Performance > set Virtualization to ON
    3. Under Performance > set VT for Direct I/O Access to ON
    4. Save & Exit BIOS
    5. Restart computer

    For HP Systems

    1. Restart your machine, and press F2 at boot (or whichever key is necessary) to enter BIOS setup
    2. Under OS Security > set Intel Virtualization Technology (VTx) to ON
    3. Under OS Security > set IO Virtualization to ON
    4. Save & Exit BIOS
    5. Restart computer
  • Find Computer Owner

    At times people want to find out who owns a certain machine.

    My Network places -> Search Active Directory -> Find: Computers, Enter Computer name: “FOOBAR”, Click “Find Now”, Select Result, Right Click “Manage” -> Local Users and Groups -> Groups -> Administrators -> (Find who is an admin on the box).

    Another method is to open dsa.msc in MMC and Select “Advanced” View, then lookup computers and look at the Security tab.

    The tool, srvinfo.exe, is also useful for learning info about a machine.

  • Nice Win7 shortcut key combinations

    A list of shortcuts specific to Windows 7

    Windows shortcuts

    WinKey + Up arrow

    Maximize window

    WinKey + Down arrow

    Restore/Minimize window

    WinKey + Left arrow

    Snap window to left

    WinKey + Right arrow

    Snap window to right

    WinKey + Shift + Left arrow

    Jump window to left monitor

    WinKey + Shift + Right arrow

    Jump window to right monitor

    WinKey + Home

    Restore/Minimize all other windows

    Taskbar shortcuts

    WinKey + T

    Preview the first taskbar entry

    Press again to move forward through taskbar entries

    WinKey + Shift + T

    Preview the last taskbar entry

    Press again to move back through taskbar entries

    (after pressing the keystroke once, use left and right arrow keys to cycle through)

    Winkey + # (1-9)

    Launches a new instance of the application on the # (1-9) slot on the taskbar

    Desktop shortcuts

    WinKey + Space

    View the desktop

    WinKey + G

    Bring gadgets to the top of the Z-order

    WinKey + P

    Opens projection options (Computer Only, Duplicate, Extend and Projector Only)

    WinKey + X

    Mobility Center


    Accessibility shortcuts

    WinKey + +

    Zoom in

    WinKey + –

    Zoom out

    Explorer shortcuts

    Alt + P

    Show/hide preview pane

    Mouse Shortcuts

    Shift + Left click on taskbar icon

    Open a new instance

    Shift + Middle click on taskbar icon

    Open a new instance

    Ctrl + Shift + Left click on taskbar icon

    Open a new instance with admin priveleges

    Shift + Right click on taskbar icon

    Show window menu (Restore/Minimize/Close, etc)

    Shift + Right click on taskbar group

    Show window group menu (Restore/Minimize/Close All)

    Ctrl + Left click on taskbar icon

    Cycle between windows (or tabs) in the group

  • Synchronizing two batch files

    This useful command lets you wait for signals from other command windows or even across the network.

    waitfor.exe is in windowssystem32 directory.

    The simple case for the tool is in one command window you do a “waitfor foobar” and it’ll block until in another window you do a “waitfor /SI foobar”.

  • How to make your machine think it has less memory than it really does

    There’s a hidden, system, read-only file called boot.ini in system boot drive.

    Here’s a sample to run 1 GB dual as a 128 MB uniprocessor:

    [boot loader]

    timeout=30 default=multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(2)WINDOWS [operating systems] multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(2)WINDOWS=”Microsoft Windows XP Professional” /fastdetect /numproc=1 /maxmem=128

  • Recover deleted mail in outlook

    Have you ever deleted an email, emptied your deleted items folder and then realized one day or two later that you need them? Well you can recover them in outlook using the following easy steps:

    Select the ‘Delete Items’ folder
    Go to Tools->Recover Deleted Items…

    You will see a nice list of all the email that you have deleted. However, you’ll need to know either the sender or the subject since you can’t search or open the items but you could always recover everything and then re-empty the Deleted Items Folder.

    Update: In Outlook 2010, its Folder –> Recover Deleted Items

  • Disable standby/sleep

    powercfg.exe is a windows built in tool to config power management. powercfg.exe is a command line utility, it’s easy to integrate powercfg.exe into scripts.

    Turn hibernation off

    powercfg -hibernate OFF

    Set the power configuration to High Performance

    powercfg -setactive 8c5e7fda-e8bf-4a96-9a85-a6e23a8c635c

    Set the absentia power scheme (the scheme used when no one is logged in)

    powercfg.exe -setabsentia 8c5e7fda-e8bf-4a96-9a85-a6e23a8c635c