Automatically Run Specific PowerShell Scripts at the Start of Every PowerShell Session

To automatically run specific PowerShell scripts at the start of every PowerShell session, you can modify your PowerShell profile file. PowerShell profiles are scripts that run at the start of a new PowerShell session. Here’s how to add an external script to your PowerShell startup:

  1. Find or Create Your PowerShell Profile: First, you need to determine if you already have a profile and where it is. Open PowerShell and run the following command:


    This command will show the path to your current user’s profile for the PowerShell console. If you want to add the script for all users or for the ISE, you might need a different profile path.

  2. Check if the Profile Exists: Check if the profile already exists by running:

    Test-Path $profile

    If this returns False, the profile does not exist, and you’ll need to create it.

  3. Create the Profile if Necessary: If the profile doesn’t exist, you can create it by running:

    New-Item -path $profile -type file -force
  4. Edit Your Profile: Open the profile file in a text editor. You can do this from PowerShell as well, for example, using Notepad:

    notepad $profile
  5. Add Your Script to the Profile: In the profile file, you can add commands to run at startup. To run an external script, use the following command:

    . C:\path\to\your\script.ps1

    Replace C:\path\to\your\script.ps1 with the actual path to your script. The dot sourcing operator (.) before the path ensures that the script runs in the current scope, so any functions or variables it defines will be available in your session.

  6. Save and Close the Profile: After adding your script, save the profile file and close the text editor.

  7. Test Your Profile: Open a new PowerShell window to test if your script runs as expected. If there are any errors in the script, they will show up when you start PowerShell.

Keep in mind that running scripts from an external source can pose a security risk. Make sure you trust the scripts you’re adding to your PowerShell startup. Additionally, if your system’s execution policy is set to restrict script execution, you may need to adjust it to allow your profile and scripts to run. You can check the current execution policy by running Get-ExecutionPolicy, and set a new policy with Set-ExecutionPolicy, though changing execution policies should be done with understanding the security implications.null